I live in the Deep South and I get a lot of exposure. I love my people. And they come from all walks. Left vs right is becoming irrelevant.
and yeah, the loudmouths on the Internet that act like they represent MAGA, but they’re actually just conservative Republicans, which we know have no revolutionary potential, but the actual core of the MAGA people are a little bit different.
We cannot classify them qualitatively into the same thing. We also know that conservative Republicans are simply liberals in denial.
I used to live in Cali, I also lived, work and speak with these people on the daily too, lots of left liberals. In TN I see more MAGA independently minded people. I see Hispanics, moving in droves away from the democratic party, I see Black people moving in droves, driven away from the Democratic Party of lies, broken promises. And that has become the party if neoconservative war mongers. One could say there is no difference between them and the old George bush republicans. They are two sides of the same coin.
Instead today we see minorities groups and non-college educated, white voters moving where? 
they’re not moving to the Republican party directly, as the classical neocon Republican doesn’t serve their interests either. Instead they gravitate to a segment of it. MAGA. because it promises them a voice they have nowhere else politically in Washington. And it’s within this schism within the republican party, the MAGA movement itself, that their allegiance goes, ans only so far as that. This is where we find our
revolutionary subject. 
Personally, and over and over and over again in these conversations, the working class MAGA person, which I will grant you does tend to be conservative in America, is more open to the ideas of changing the status quo than the liberals who are comfortable.
For whom the CURRENT system is working.
I am more willing to work with the conservative who wants to sublate the state of things into a new government where the people have actual power, then a liberal who wants to CONSERVE it. Let that sink in.
Who is the real conservative on the points that matter? As Marxists, we focus on the economic base. In post industrial America, The “socialism of the rich” but exploitation for the poor model of governance that serves the current power structure, the segment of the population, that this is working for the already privileged, doesn’t work for the vast majority of us whether we stand on the left or right side of the social or cultural political spectrum. But it does work for the already powerful. 
There’s a political landscape that is changing in the Us. There is an angry populist sentiment rising despite the propaganda. It’s happening and Washington doesn’t know what to do about it.
For us this is a good thing. For the rest of the world. This is a good thing. The realignment of interests is the beginning of the end of empire. Is that not what we are shooting for?
Changes are coming 
We are witnessing the tremors of the 99% coalescing and shaking things from the bottom to “Rip the powerful from their decadent nests” -Bane, The Dark Knight Rises